Tara, Byahe tayo!!
Travel & tours services
You will receive confirmation of the booking as soon as possible.
If you wish to transfer from one trip to another or transfer your booking to a third party you must notify us at least 1 month prior to the proposed departure date. Subject to specific tour package "Restrictions".
Strictly No Amendments upon confirmation of booking whether paid in deposit or in full.
Check-in time is 01:00 pm and Check-out is 12:00 noon.
Booking is subject to room & tour availability.
All guest must present a valid photo identification at the time of transfer and check in.
Booking Rules and Fees may be charged and imposed by hotels,resorts, lodging, transportation, shuttle or other parties with whom agreements have been made for the whole package. In these cases, the customer must understand and agree with the package restriction prior to booking and be responsible for the charges that may occur during transaction.
Re-booking should be made 7 working days prior to the trip departure.
We allow rebooking but with a corresponding rebooking fee of P500.00
If you wish to cancel all or any part of your booking, notification of cancellation must be made Tara, Byahe Tayo Travel and Tours Services in writing 3 weeks prior to your tour date.
No cancellation fees will be charged by Tara, Byahe Tayo Travel and Tours Services . However cancellation fees may be charged by hotels or other parties with whom agreements have been made. In these cases, the customer is responsible for the charges (to be adviced).
No show on booked dates will render services forfeited.
We offer full refund policy for any booking as long as we receive notice of your writen cancellation 3 weeks in advance of your tour date.
Charges may apply for refund transaction such as transfer fee/deposit fee all of which maybe deducted on your refund account.
Travel insurance is not compulsory to all Tara, Byahe tayo travel &tour services clients. If you wish to obtain a travel insurance through us do not hesitate to call our office. We are more than glad to assist you and provide you with the quality service our Insurance Partners PHILAMLIFE and INSURANCE COMPANY offer